Population fluctuation of fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Nicaragua, based on the phytosanitary surveillance system, 2017





Traps, trapping routes, Anastrepha, Ceratitis


The fruit fl y complex (Diptera: Tephritidae) represents one of the main phytosanitary problems for fruit production in Nicaragua. The present study was carried out with the determination of knowing the fl uctuation of the fruit fl y complex in Nicaragua, based on the phytosanitary surveillance system, in 2017, in a total of 17 trapping routes nationwide corresponding to the same number of departments. The traps received inspections and maintenance every 15 days by specialists from the Institute of Protection and Agricultural Health (IPSA). The data have been subjected to an analysis of descriptive statistics. The variables were analyzed, after transformation ( x + 0.5 ), by means of an analysis of the variance (ANDEVA) of repeated measures. To observe the diff erences between the paired measurements, a Tukey multiple range test was performed. The number of adults captured, number of males and females captured was evaluated. The fruit fl y complex in Nicaragua is made up of 10 species, mainly of the Anastrepha (Nine species) and Ceratitis genera, which are present throughout the country, giving the highest catches of adult females. The population fl uctuation is variable in the departments of the country, being the departments of Carazo, Jinotega and Nueva Segovia where the largest numbers of adult specimens were reported, in the months of April, March and October. The most prevalent species were Anastrepha obliqua, Anastrepha serpentina, and Ceratitis capitata, in all sampling routes in the diff erent months of the year and period evaluated


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How to Cite

Saldaña Reyes, J. D., Morán Centeno, J. C., & Varela Ochoa, G. (2019). Population fluctuation of fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Nicaragua, based on the phytosanitary surveillance system, 2017. La Calera, 19(33), 66–71. https://doi.org/10.5377/calera.v19i33.8842



Plant science