Hydrogeological characterization for use of groundwater for irrigation purposes, in El Plantel, Masaya, Nicaragua





Piezometric level, potential recharge, groundwater balance, water quality


The study was carried out in the Unit for Experimentation and Validation of Technologies El Plantel, belonging to the National Agrarian University (UNA), which aims to characterize the conditions of groundwater through the monitoring of piezometric levels, water balance and water quality for irrigation. Well #1 (main well) and well #3 (reference well) were selected as study objects. To evaluate the flow of groundwater, static water levels were measured in a period from May 2020 to April 2021. To determine the groundwater balance, the principle of entry and exit of water to the aquifer was used, where the entry of water was estimated with potential recharge by the Soil Water Balance method proposed by Schosinsky (2006); water outflows were estimated from groundwater discharges; along with extractions by pumping to irrigate the crops established in El Plantel. Irrigation water quality was evaluated using water quality criteria proposed by the U.S. Salinity Laboratory and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). The results suggest that the fluctuations of piezometric levels have a natural behavior during a hydrological cycle in the area, where it is shown that it is influenced by the variation of rainfall. The groundwater balance shows that the irrigation activities in El Plantel are not causing exploitation of the groundwater resource, since the water output is less than the input to the aquifer; the excess water is part of the storage in the local aquifer. The quality of the groundwater used in El Plantel is suitable for irrigation.


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How to Cite

Izabá-Ruiz, R., & Morales-Hernández, K. (2022). Hydrogeological characterization for use of groundwater for irrigation purposes, in El Plantel, Masaya, Nicaragua. La Calera, 22(39), 93–100. https://doi.org/10.5377/calera.v22i39.15114



Natural Resources and Environment