Young people undertaking ancestral knowledge of community radio communication in the community of Gera, in Ecuador


  • Rosa Virginia Cartuche Pluriversidad Amawtay Wasi
  • César Leonidas Ruíz Pluriversidad Amawtay Wasi



Own Communication, Ancestral knowings, Knowledge, Information and communication technology, Community life plan, Entrepreneurship


This research gathers the ancestral experiences and knowledge related to the communication that exists and takes place in the context of the community, the accumulated experiences to capture the frequency of the radio, reusing obsolete appliances. It is the interweaving of a communitarian communication that is born in and from Gera community of the Saraguro parish church, Canton Saraguro, Loja Province, to trans- mit music and some town hall communiques addressed to the population. During the study, the Relational Symbolic Experiential method proposed by the Amawtay Wasi Pluriversity was applied, whose main moments were: living and experiencing (field work); recovering and Re-enchanting, (systematization and reflection); meaning and resignifying (detailed systematization), and getting involved and engaging (program proposal). The research incorporates a community work plan, integral to communi- cation management that allows residents to use community radio to communicate, disseminate knowings and ancestral knowledge existing within the community, in an organizational context of which the Cabildo and its residents participate.


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Author Biographies

Rosa Virginia Cartuche, Pluriversidad Amawtay Wasi

Máster en Comunicación Intercultural con Enfoque de Género. Asistente de Coordinación de la Chacka de Saraguro de la Pluriversidad Amawtay Wasi del Ecuador

César Leonidas Ruíz, Pluriversidad Amawtay Wasi

Antropólogo e Investigador de la Pluriversidad Amawtay Wasi



How to Cite

Cartuche, R. V., & Ruíz, C. L. (2018). Young people undertaking ancestral knowledge of community radio communication in the community of Gera, in Ecuador. Ciencia E Interculturalidad, 23(2), 290–302.



Gender and Interculture