Paths toward development: a hindsigght look in at our el almendro municipality in Rio San Juan


  • Ramón Ignacio López García UNAN-Mangua



development, human development, economic growth, municipality, social capital, human capital, sustainability


This article has been prepared within the framework of the project “A local study for development: history of the department of Río San Juan and its municipalities”, which the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, Managua (UNAN-Managua) has led as part of a task given by the National Council of Universities (CNU). The project consists of a multidisciplinary exchange of students and teachers who carried out field work in the six municipalities of Río San Juan (Morrito, El Almendro, San Miguelito, San Carlos, El Castillo and San Juan de Nicaragua), the aim of which was to obtain three products : a diagnosis, a proposal of territorial accompaniment plan and a book of the history of each municipality. In this context, the motivation to share reflections on the development of the El Almendro municipality, a municipality with forest production capacity, but without the vocation of its inhabitants. This municipality has arisen and has recovered from complex situations such as the fact of having been a combat zone during the revolution (1979 - 1990). The different historical moments of the municipality show that the economic dimension is gaining weight on other dimensions of development, where sustainability, represented by the respect and protection of nature as a provider of goods and health, moves away from the perspective of life in the locality .


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How to Cite

López García, R. I. (2018). Paths toward development: a hindsigght look in at our el almendro municipality in Rio San Juan. Revista Científica De La FAREM-Estelí, (27), 71–80.



Social Science