
ISSN 2410-5708 / e-ISSN 2313-7215

Year 10 | No. 29 | October 2021- January 2022

Role of the university professor as a disseminator of scientific research


Submitted on January 12, 2021 / Accepted on August 25, 2021

MSc. José Antonio Guido-Chávez

Master in Scientific Research Methods.

National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, Managua.

Regional Multidisciplinary Faculty of Carazo.




At present, there are numerous actions and initiatives that Nicaraguan institutions of Higher Education execute and finance for the generation and dissemination of new scientific knowledge, being aware of the commitment to provide society with new knowledge that gives rise to the production of technology and new development opportunities.

A particular example of this as a strategy for the promotion and increase of scientific research is the Fund for Research Projects (FPI) of the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, Managua (UNAN-Managua), which since 2015 encourages the development of research at the University granting financing through a competitive mechanism based on quality.1

In the sense of scientific dissemination, the efforts made by the National Council of Universities (NCU) since 2009 to promote and give greater visibility to scientific publications by accompanying the editorial teams of the specialized journals of the universities stand out starting in that same year with the incorporation to the Regional Online Information System for Scientific Journals of Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal (LATINDEX) and continuing to this day with the coordination of this entity in Nicaragua.2

On the part of the editorial teams of university scientific journals, it is worth highlighting the work they do to ensure periodical publications in compliance with quality standards and criteria, which certify positioning and visibility.

And it is that all these actions, typical of knowledge management, converge in the work carried out by university scientific journals, which represent one of the important channels for the communication of the results, contributions and findings developed in the various disciplinary fields.3

In light of this, once all these efforts have materialized in the publication of new knowledge in the formats of scientific articles, what happens to the scientific knowledge that is produced in the university? specifically what use do they have in the learning scenarios of our educational institutions? With these questions, the role that the teacher should have as a key disseminator of the new scientific knowledge is presented, based on concrete considerations of the Educational Model of the UNAN-Managua.4

In coherence with the mission of the UNAN-Managua, the university professor must, from his role as trainer, “train professionals capable of interpreting social and natural phenomena with a critical, reflective and purposeful sense, so that they contribute to social development”; so that the teacher must create opportunities to promote in each teaching-learning scenario, scientific research published in university journals as equal resources to reflection and dissertation; in tune at the same time with the pedagogical foundation of the same educational model that suggests promoting interaction and self-reflection, paying attention to the development of analytical and critical thinking in the scientific and humanistic training of the student.

In a similar sense, this same document of institutional reference, when describing the function of Educational Mediation of the university teacher, reveals that the teacher from his mediating role “recommends various sources of information” that promote scientific research and its use, presenting the latter as an essential component of the educational process in this context.

When speaking in the statements related to the didactic strategies proposed in the Educational Model, it is key to identify that the selected strategies “prepare the student (individually and collaboratively), to be an active generator of knowledge”; this denotes the indispensable presence of scientific research that the teacher must ensure in the teaching-learning process whatever the strategy used.

However, it is notorious to conceive the dissemination of scientific research as part of the daily activities of the university professor; so from this space, university professors are motivated to participate from their role in the dissemination and promotion of scientific publications that are generated and published from our universities.

To freedom through the University!


1. https://www.redalyc.org/journal/321/32162693009/html/

2. http://revista.ibict.br/ciinf/article/view/1800/2373

3. https://www.redalyc.org/journal/321/32162693009/html/

4. Educational Model, Regulations and Methodology for Curriculum Planning 2011. UNAN-Managua